Have questions on how it all works? Have a read through the FAQs below and, if your question isn’t answered,
we’d love to speak to you so please get in touch.
Look here.
The minimum loan size is generally $5 million. We will consider loans for amounts which are lower than our minimum in circumstances where we believe this is merited.
Loan terms differ for different loan purposes but are typically one to two years.
We can assist with:
- land-bank finance with interest capitalised or paid monthly
- site acquisition against improved valuations achieved through rezoning/planning approvals
- progressively-drawn construction finance to help meet construction contingency, project management, capitalised interest and the marketing /sales campaign
- equity release to the developer to access higher-value projects or provide bridging finance across multiple assets
- refinance and recapitalisation of development residual stock to clear construction loans, release equity or to facilitate an extended sales campaign.
We don’t have set interest rates as every lending transaction is different. Our interest rates are 100% transparent, transaction-specific and based entirely on risk and strength of the borrower.
Loan purpose, type of security and location, loan size and loan to valuation ratio (LVR) all contribute to the final borrower interest rate applicable.
We will consider the following real property asset types:
- Australian capital cities as well as in regional areas within 100 kilometres of capital cities. No exposure in Northern Territory or Western Australia
- non-specialised property assets including land with residential use, completed apartments, generic commercial property and construction loans.
In the case of a loan secured by a development site, including a construction loan, we will also look at addition criteria including additional funding sources, sponsor track record, the contingency allowance and presales, among other factors.
We understand that our Borrowers may experience financial difficulty and require temporary financial assistance. This may be related to unemployment, unexpected illness, natural disasters or a relationship breakdown.
Where you feel you may not be able to meet your regular repayments on your regulated loan*, or some other financial obligation under your regulated mortgage contract, please contact us using one of the channels below to see how we can work together towards a solution for you:
- Send an email to admin@zagga.com.au
- Call us on 1300 192 442 from Australia, or 0466 617 422 from overseas (9am to 5pm Mondays to Friday, Sydney time, except public holidays)
- Write to us at PO Box R1448, Royal Exchange NSW 1225
* These are home loans governed by the National Credit Code
Your satisfaction is of utmost importance to us so if you have a complaint about any part of our service, we would like to talk to you so we can try to fix the problem. There are a few ways you can lodge your complaint:
- send us an email
- call us on 1300 192 442 from Australia, or +61 466 617 422 from overseas (9am to 5pm Mondays to Friday, Sydney time, except public holidays)
- write to the Complaints Team at PO Box R1448, Royal Exchange NSW 1225.
If you are a Borrower and we are unable to agree on how to resolve your issue, you can contact the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA), the dispute resolution scheme for financial services using on the following contact channels:
- send an email to info@afca.org.au
- call on 1800 931 678
- write to Australian Financial Complaints Authority Limited – GPO Box 3, Melbourne, VIC 3001
- or visit their website at afca.org.au
Please refer our Public Complaints Policy
Do you have questions about borrowing through Zagga?
Fill in your details to schedule a call back at a time that suits you.