The Zagga Real Estate Credit Fund

A Singapore VCC​​ – for Accredited Investors
Experienced investment management, delivering consistent, risk adjusted returns for discerning investors.

Introducing our new Variable Capital Company structure in Singapore

The Zagga Real Estate Credit Fund (ZRECF), managed by JAR Wealth Management, aims to provide regular income and portfolio diversification by investing in high-quality lending opportunities focussed specifically on the commercial real estate debt (CRED) market.

Zagga Real Estate Credit Fund - Regular and stable cash distributions - Tax-free and FX hedged - Attractive returns without commensurate increase in risk

Key facts

Target Return

• AUD | Australian OCR + 4% p.a.
• SGD, HKD & USD | Australian OCR + 3.5% p.a.
(after fees and charges)

Investment currency

Base currency: Australian dollar (AUD) | Investments also taken in: SGD, HKD, USD

Minimum investment

• AUD | SGD | USD – $100,000 | • HKD – $500,000
(in respective currency)

Minimum holding period

12 months | Redemption notice: 90 days

Distribution frequency

(distributions are re-invested unless nominated otherwise)

Investment Manager

• JAR Wealth Management Pte Ltd
(incorporated in Singapore, licensed by Monetary Authority of Singapore)
• Sub-Manager: Zagga | • Administrator: Apex Fund Services (Singapore) Pte Ltd

External Fund ratings

• VERY STRONG investment grade rating by Foresight Analytics for the Fund
• Four-star, SUPERIOR investment grade rating by SQM Research for the underlying Lending Trust

foresight analytics

Learn about our Fund ratings

Comparing two investment options

  • ZRECF can invest into one, or more, or all, of Zagga’s established funds
  • Choice of investment currency
  • Minimum investment $100,000 (AUD | SGD | USD) or $500,000 (HKD)
  • Tax-free and FX hedged
  • Investor self-selects suitable investment opportunity from  Zagga’s Investor Portal
  • Investment funds accepted in AUD only
  • Minimum investment $100,000 AUD
  • 10% Non-Resident Withholding Tax applies

Why Australian Real Estate Private Credit?

Steady & resilient domestic economy

• 6th largest developed economy GDP per capita, c.US$63K

• 2.4% stable real GDP growth, 10 years from 2013-2023

• 33 years since last recession in 1991 (excl. COVID)

Strong government & effective governance

• AAA rating from S&P since 2003 (21 years)

• Stable and transparent political and economic environment

• Highly-regulated financial services sector

Sophisticated financial services & pension sector

• Australian superannuation (pension) system is worth AU$3.5 trillion / 142% of GDP

• Fifth largest pension sector by value (globally)

Population growth with undersupply of housing

• Australian population growing at c. 2.4% p.a (from 27 million as at 30 June 2023) = 600,000+ p.a.

• Building approvals per month: 13-15K

• National vacancy rates less than 1%

Why Zagga?

To date, we have funded in excess of $2 billion via more than 300 loans, and repaying more than $1 billion to investors, across multiple successful exits. Our track record is underpinned by detailed risk assessment, mitigation and ongoing, proactive loan monitoring and management.

Projects funded to date range from residential projects to multi-million dollar commercial and industrial developments.


Your Zagga representatives

Alan Greenstein

Alan Greenstein
CEO & Co-Founder

Monish Vyas
Country Head

Michelle Mok

Michelle Mok
Head of Private Capital

Alok Kochhar

Alok Kochhar
Senior Board Advisor

Roushana Sjahsam
Senior Advisor, ASEAN

Incorporated in 2016, the Zagga team, consisting of close to 30 people, has over 200 years’ combined experience covering the areas of:

  • Treasury and Finance Distribution
  • Marketing and Business Development
  • Credit and Operations

We are experienced professionals with a diverse range of professional backgrounds and are currently enjoying a period of growth and expansion in the team.

With investors facing a storm of volatile pricing, and residential property yields compressed by high purchase prices, what alternatives are there?

Our white paper delves into the dynamics of the fast-growing private lending market, and what’s driving it.


Have questions? Have a read through the FAQs below, and if your question isn’t answered, 

we’d love to speak to you, so please get in touch.

Look here.

Banking sector structures and regulatory intervention over the past 10 years have created a funding gap as the major banks have been unable to meet the needs of quality borrowers.

The major banks tend to have more rigid lending criteria due to:

  1. Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) regulation that restricts their ability to provide flexibility on their loan terms, and therefore may not always be able to meet a borrower’s specific requirements.
  2. Basel III regulatory framework reforms (which required banks to maintain certain leverage ratios and keep certain levels of reserve capital on hand). This resulted in Australian major banks withdrawing further from commercial real estate (CRE) debt as they focused on other parts of their funding operations (e.g. residential mortgages). Whilst major banks are still funding CRE transactions, it has been far more suppressed and on more restrictive terms.

This tightening by major banks means quality bank clients are seeking alternative funding solutions as they require offer considerably faster turnaround times, more flexible lending criteria, and bespoke solutions.

At Zagga, we pride ourselves on our ability to provide tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of each borrower and deliver a commercial, flexible, and responsive outcome, whilst always maintaining our rigorous and thorough assessment of the loan.

The Australian commercial property market has proved to be remarkably resilient over many years as has the overall economy which has seen almost uninterrupted growth for three decades, with no recessions since 1991.

The robustness of the economy is key to understanding real estate demand. While headlines with week-to-week house price data may fuel concern, the fundamentals that underlie such prices are less dramatic. Australian house prices have risen significantly over the past 40 years, with periods of volatility balanced out by overall growth. The population has also doubled in the same timeframe, from approx. 12.5m to 25m.

In the period from the opening of Australia’s international borders following the COVID pandemic, the net immigration inflow will total more than 1 million people in less than 3 years. Over the same time, there will be a further 200,000 people or so from natural increase.

A growing population, combined with low rental vacancy rates, strong employment rates and a persistent underlying housing gap means the long-term fundamentals make this sector attractive to investors. Over the next 3 to 5 years, the need for housing will be very strong, simply to keep up with population growth. Approximately 200,000 new dwellings will need to be constructed each year to simply meet demand.

Regardless of short-term price movements, the market dynamics are strongly supportive of a robust property investment industry with decades of demand ahead of it.

We invite you to read our latest whitepaper to find out more.

Market dynamics indicate that the Australian CRED market is on a growth trajectory. The Australian CRED market is estimated at $450bn and growing at c.2 – 5%p.a. underpinned by attractive fundamentals centred on urbanization and population expansion.

The two key driving forces behind Australian CRED growth are:

  1. Further regulatory pressures on the major banks leading to structural dislocation in their lending capacity and practices. This is projected to reduce major banks’ share of CRED from the current ~80% to ~60% by 2025 due to their inability to provide best service to their clients.
  2. Population growth underpinning continued demand for housing as well as industrial growth as new, larger facilities are being built to accommodate the growth of e-commerce.

Zagga’s latest white paper
explains how commercial real estate debt (CRED) can tap into the current market conditions.

All individuals, Self Managed Super Funds (SMSFs), companies and trusts that meet the criteria of a Wholesale Investor (or ‘Sophisticated Investor’) as defined under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) can invest in Commercial Real Estate Debt through Zagga.

Our investors come to us as we offer fast, flexible, customised lending solutions and secured, determinable investment income.

Investors choose us for our values of:

  • Transparency
  • Lending and investment integrity
  • Robust credit and risk discipline
  • Strong governance
  • Investor-first approach

Our interest rates are typically higher than those offered by major banks. This is due to Zagga’s higher cost of capital compared to a traditional bank.

Borrowers turn to, and at times, prefer non-bank lending for a number of key reasons:

  • Commerciality
  • Lending capacity
  • Certainty of funding

Borrowers are willing to pay the higher cost of funds for the short period of time as it often allows them time to meet the requirements for major bank funding.

To date, we have returned 100% of all investor capital.

Zagga’s Management and Board has significant experience across the real estate sector in operational, lending and recovery roles, focused on achieving superior risk-adjusted returns for our investors.

Our proactive management of all borrower facilities means we are constantly stress testing all our loan exposures to changes in rental yields, capitalisation rates, general market conditions and the effects of these on all factors and valuations.

Like any type of investment, potential investors should always understand the risks involved and we encourage all our investors to conduct the due diligence necessary to make the best investment choices for their risk appetite and investment criteria.

Zagga provides loan funding to creditworthy businesses and individuals, who must demonstrate to us, as part of our credit assessment, their financial position and reputation, ability to service the relevant loan, and experience in their industry.

Zagga will fund both stabilised assets and development opportunities. Our lending transactions typically range from $5m to $75m and cover a spectrum of loan purposes including business, commercial, residential and property.

Each loan arranged by Zagga is generally secured by a real property mortgage (e.g. senior debt) and typically fall into one of four categories:

  • Construction (residential, commercial, industrial)
  • Bridging (e.g. site purchases, debt consolidation)
  • Residual Stock (i.e. post construction facilities)
  • Land Bank / Subdivision

The ability to generate attractive investor returns whilst maintaining the highest level of risk management in the CRED sector is the key reason we specialise in this niche sector.

It is important to note we are conservative in nature and typically avoid specialised assets that are difficult to sell in a secondary market along with loans that involve zoning risk (i.e., changing a residentially zoned site to industrial, which would require Government approval).

Similar to our Investor base, our roster of Borrowers has grown steadily through personal relationships and word of mouth, with our track record allowing this to continue to occur organically.

Over 40% of Zagga’s loans come from repeat borrowers.

Zagga may also originate loans from commercial brokers, accountants, lawyers, quantity surveyors, and consultants within the property industry.

Our loans are spread over the eastern seaboard of Australia, particularly in strong metropolitan locations with a deep market and high-growth areas that allow for a strong property market.

We currently have no exposure in Northern Territory, South Australia or Western Australia.

Our primary focus has been in New South Wales, as not only does it hold the deepest market in Australia, but it is central to where our current team is primarily located and possess the greatest market knowledge. We also ensure we are visiting sites regularly with consistent and thorough monitoring of projects, therefore, having a heavier concentration locally allows us to do this to the best of our abilities.

Each loan we fund is supported by a clear and achievable ‘exit strategy’, typically including at least one or two alternative exits.

Given the largest allocation of our portfolio relates to residential construction, a number of our facilities are self-liquidating, meaning at completion we are either cleared by sales on the project, or a refinance from a major banking institution.

In other circumstances, the loan may have a clear exit strategy in place, such as, a cash event from an external matter, or an uplift in planning due to development approval that takes out our facility.

We always want to ensure we are working on worst case scenarios in order to be comfortable going into any new transactions.

The major banks still serves as our biggest competitor, as they are continue to be the cheapest source of capital in the market, and in many cases, can still win over transactions on that basis alone. However, as major bank funding continues to tighten, the ability for non-bank lenders to win market share will increase given our ability to offer beneficial terms with faster turnaround times.

Do you have questions about the Zagga Real Estate Credit Fund?

Fill in your details to schedule a call back at a time that suits you.